Does Fat Make You Fat? Debunking the Top Health Myths

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Does Fat Make You Fat? Debunking the Top Health Myths

With the amount of resources we rely on for our health knowledge, it is easy to get confused
with what is right and what is wrong. We read in one health magazine that we should avoid fats, but
then we hear from a nutritionist that fats are the key to weight loss. Some argue that dairy is the devil
while others swear by a daily cup of milk. To help put the confusion to rest, we have collected five of the
top health myths. Read on below for more.

Myth #1: Fat makes you fat

This is perhaps the number one myth that we encounter daily. Despite new studies claiming otherwise, fat phobia is still very prevalent. It is common for people to prefer low-fat dressings and avoid avocado and olive oil to lose weight. This is not correct. In fact, fats are beneficial to those watching their waistlines. Heathy fats, like nut butters, guacamole and tahini can satiate your hunger. Since they fill you up
and keep you feeling full for longer, you tend to eat less. Because of this, plant-based fats can increase appetite-suppressing hormones. Fats high in omega-3 fatty acids are also great for skin, hair and nails health.

Myth #2: Eating post-workout depletes the efforts of your workout

Oftentimes, people choose to not eat after a workout as they are wary of replenishing the calories they lost. This is not correct. In fact, your body needs food after a workout in order to recover. The calories that are consumed after a sweat session do not immediately replenish your fat cells. Instead, the foods you eat work to heal and repair your cells. This is why it is so important to consume clean, whole ingredients full of nutrients you need for a healthy recovery. When you allow your body to recover properly, you can benefit from the efforts of your exercise—whether it is building muscle, increasing metabolism or decreasing fat storage.

Myth #3: Fruit is just as bad as candy

Many people believe that fruit should be avoided as it is empty sugar, like candy. This is simply
not true. While fruit does contain sugar, it is naturally occurring and less concentrated. Fruit is also packed with vitamins and minerals that are important for maintaining proper health. Adding fruit to your diet is a great way to maintain or lose weight, as long as it is done in moderation. Two servings per day is a good level to aim for.

The key to debunking health myths is to do your research and collect information from various credible sources. When making your decision, do what is best for your own body. Take into consideration your health history, your activity level and other dietary restrictions. You know your body the best, so take charge and do what is right for you. Check out our vast selection of vitamins and
supplements at our site to ensure your body is running at its optimal level.

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